An endless circle of time

What is it when you mean about moving on in life? Is it finding love, building a relationship and then ending it to relive it all over again? How can you define actual progress? Is it finding mistakes in your code and rewriting it again to make it efficient but only to come up with a set of new problems? Is it also about solving the problems of civilizations with technology, medicine, and empowering the economy?

It has come to my realization that you never really do progress in life. You are just in a perpetual illusion of progress. It’s like the ever-increasing Shepards tone. It creates the auditory illusion of a tone that continually ascends, yet which ultimately seems to go no higher or lower. We, humans, have evolved to the point that we seek for a utopian future. For that we have perfected technology, medicines, build complex civilizations that corrects the mistakes of our past ancestors. Every generation believes they are better in every sense than their previous mortal ones. But are we?

With every generation, with every inch of technology that we humans have made, with every line of complex code or software that has ever been written, we have also invented our own problems. With each bit of technology, we have spiralled into a society that although thinks better of themselves, but has become shallow in our emotional complex lives. As technology came, so came a lot of social, health, and environmental problems. We live in a society that is now a thousand times polluted than where our previous generations lived, and yet we think we are better than them. Just like us trying to solve the problems or mistakes of our previous generations, we have now added many to it. It is with utmost certainty that our next generations will try to fix the problems and mistakes that we did, and with it, they will create some more. And so on it will go, like a perpetual machine, life will be just an endless circle of events repeating itself ever so similarly.

And we move on, we struggle, we live, we find love, we lose it, we move on, we struggle, and we live. Time does not stop.